Three Year Old Program

A developmentally appropriate curriculum is planned using the Diocese of Nashville Curriculum and the Keeping Kids Safe curriculum. Small group experience with their primary teacher is planned each day. During this time, students are grouped by developmental range. Each teacher is responsible for planning and implementing activities that meet the needs of the individual student in the group.

The curriculum in this program is based upon the unit approach and unit-related activities that address all developmental areas. Each week, a theme is introduced during group time. The daily program includes free choice time designed to allow each student to choose centers, and then allow them to interact in small groups.

The centers may include, but are not limited to, art, science, dramatic play, blocks, literature, music, sand or water, woodworking, small motor/manipulatives, large motor, etc. Special effort is made to balance individual, group, quiet and active time.

Religion: Seed curriculum (Pflaum Gospel Weeklies Faith Formation Program)

  • Weekly Gospel Readings
  • Follows the Liturgical Seasons
  • Incorporates weekly workbook activities
  • Attend Mass on the 2nd and 4th Friday of each month

Language: Learning Without Tears Curriculum

  • Develop listening and understanding skills
  • Introduce print as a way to communicate a message
  • Develop verbal and nonverbal communication skills
  • Develop phonemic awareness
  • Demonstrate knowledge of the alphabet

Writing: Learning Without Tears Curriculum

  • Teaches letter recognition and proper letter formation
  • Develops fine motor and social skills
  • Teaches proper crayon/pencil grip
  • Supports developmental stages of writing
  • Includes “My First School Book” to help develop early learning skills within the classroom

Mathematics: Learning Without Tears Curriculum

  • Develops early math skills including; patterns, comparisons, one-to-one correspondence, number recognition, shapes, colors, etc.
  • Place and describe items in space using positional relationships
  • Develop number concepts 0-10

Science and Social Living:

  • Weekly thematic lessons such as; fossils, life cycle of pumpkins, community helpers, zoo animals, outer space, etc.
  • Age appropriate open-ended questions
  • Scientific experiments
  • Small group art projects
  • Rotated centers to coordinate with the themes

Sample Schedule

7:30 - 8:10Arrival/Table Toys/Activity/Bathroom Break
8:10 - 8:20Morning Prayers with Sr. Catherine Marie
8:20 - 8:35Carpet Time/ Music activity
8:35 - 8:45Large group academic activity
8:45 - 9:00Snack
9:00 - 10:15Centers/ Small Groups/Bathroom Break
10:15 - 11:00Recess
11:00 - 11:10Wash Hands
11:10 - 11:40Lunch
11:40 - 12:05Religion/ Carpet Activity
12:05 - 12:15Story Time/ Bathroom Break
12:15 - 1:45Nap
1:45 - 2:00Bathroom Break
2:00 - 2:30Whole Group Activity/ Free Play
2:30 - 2:45Prepare for dismissal